Arts and Culture

Take a listen to this track from a famous name in Kelowna music

KSS graduate sings about huge life changes

It’s a well-known name in the retail music biz in Kelowna and the latest generation is hoping to add another string to the successful family bow.

Lucas Wentworth, like many others in town, is celebrating graduation, but the 18-year-old Kelowna Secondary School student is releasing a song rather than picking one to mark the special occasion.

“I wrote this song about graduation, and just about the fear of going away and losing people that I really care about,” he told Toby and Ara in the 103.1 Beach Radio studio.

“I tend to look on the negative things more… I’m going to miss my friends; I’m going to miss everyone.”

Wentworth said he wrote the song, Broken Heart, in a couple of nights and the words just “flowed out of me.”

He produced it alongside his dad Noel in the basement, although initially he didn’t intend on putting it out.

“I played it for a couple of friends, one of them cried, and they all told me it was a really good song and pushed me to release it, so it’s on Spotify now,” he explained. “I showed it to my dad, and he said, ‘go record that right now.’”

Wentworth has been playing and singing since kindergarten and plans to release an album, called 18, in June.

“I hope to go many places with the music. I hope to reach people all around the world and to be able to make a positive impact on their lives and hopefully, give them something to hold onto as they move through their lives,” he said.

His advice for other youngsters pondering a life in music: be confident with yourself, put yourself out there and just keep creating.

Now that he’s graduated, Wentworth will be heading off to university to study a four-year music program.

“I want to pursue my craft further; make sure I know what I’m doing.”

So far, it sounds like he already does.

You can find his tracks here.

Published 2023-05-24 by Glenn Hicks

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