Food and Drink

Check how these wines get bottled up!

A streamline mobile bottling service

Volcanic Hills Estate Winery in West Kelowna is just one of many that utilize the BC Vintage Wine Services Mobile Bottling truck.

The business was developed to assist wineries get their wine into packaging without having to have their own infrastructure inside their facilities.

The process includes rinsing the bottles. removing oxygen, filling them with wine, sealing them with a screw cap or cork, labeling, and finally, returning the bottles ready for casing and pallet stacking.

"I typically do about 50 wineries in the Okanagan eight months of a season," BC Vintage Wine Services owner Justin Skladan said.

Wesla English from Kelowna10 gives us a look inside the truck to see how it all operates.

Check out the video.

Published 2024-06-10 by Wesla English & Connor Chan

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